Office Organization
Office Organization
I specialize in creating home office spaces utilizing principles of feng shui and considering workflow and esthetics. This includes fine-tuning, culling and creating new filing systems. Furniture may be rearranged to make the workplace flow better. Together we go through all of your paperwork to get a handle on it by sorting, filing, recycling or shredding and then create systems for dealing with paper when it comes in. Your home office will be created in a way where it can be used the way you always intended it to be.
Paper Flow
Every household receives copious amounts of paper in the form of bills, advertisements, newspapers, magazines, announcements, legal documents, coupons, etc. Does it feel like you’re drowning in paper? Imagine how it would feel to know what to do with it when it came in. Imagine how much time it would save you to have a system in place so you don’t have to figure it out each time. It saves lots of room in your home not having stacks of paper piling up everywhere. Everything Has A Place addresses all these issues and creates simple systems of organization for all paper flow.
1. Schedule weekly follow-through times for
projects and to-do lists
2. Have a system for paper-flow
3. Create a filing system that works for you.
It’s never one-size fits all!

